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This web site offers information on suitable venues to climb with children in England and Wales. Offering additional opportunities to those who enjoy the sport and wish to continue to climb whilst with the family and in addition to times when you might have arranged your children to stay with family or friends whilst you undertake more serious climbs.

Having enjoyed climbing for some years before our son was born we were keen to continue and over the past two years have sought after suitable places to take children and still enjoy the sport.

The most well trodden areas are those in the Peak District a) because that's where we live, and b) because there's a great concentration of short single pitch climbs which lend themselves to family days out.

The main inspiration was the families and picnics section of the 'On Peak Rock' BMC guide although I soon realised that there were many more crags that were similarly suitable.

As well as offering information one of the main reasons for producing this web site is to gain further information on suitable crags in the UK and in Europe.... saving all that footwork and disappointment when you arrive at the crag and find it unsuitable.

If you know of anywhere please go to add new crag, if you don't here's some that we have found.

* Some of the suggested crags may not have been visited by ourselves and therefore may not be as suitable as others... discretion will be required with all crags suggested.


South west climbs guide book

Pednvounder beach area, Pothcurno

Great beach for BBQ's great bouldering, routes from VS 4b to E4 6a. A bit daunting getting the buggy down at first but worth it. Its a nudist beach too and sometimes the views are stunning! *Suggested by Al Evans. Nude climbing it could catch on!! photo's please! tastefully done of course!!


Dancing Ledge, Dorset

Top suntrap & picnic spot with excellent swimming. Almost 100 sports routes although a bit of a walk in... walk out is worse!! *Suggested by S Taylor.

guide unknown?


Bowles Rocks, near Tunbridge Wells

Good outcrop for visiting with kids. Up to 10m high, top rop ethic only due to the fragility of the rock. Dries quickly after rain unlike other crags in the area. Belongs to Bowles outdoor centre- small charge for climbing! *Suggested by Al Evans.

Harrison's Rocks- in same area as above no more info I'm afraid.

Stone farm rocks- in same area as above no more info I'm afraid.